Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Smuttynose "Will Run for Beer" 6k Race Review & other updates

Wow.. I can't believe that I have not written this post yet. I've been meaning to write it for a while now.. but work, school, exercise life gets in the way. Anyways, so last Saturday was the Smuttynose 6k. It was also my sister's first race.. ever. She came to watch my race the weekend before this race and decided she wanted to run the 6k with me. She hasn't run since high school, so she was a little nervous about doing it, but I said that we would take it easy - run as far as we could and then walk when we needed to.

The race started at 11 am. At first, I welcomed the later race time. I always try to get to a race 90 minutes before start, and the race was in Hampton, about 45 minutes away. But then, I realized just how hot it was going to be at 11 am, and I wish the race started sooner. The parking situation was a little crappy. You had to park about 1/2-3/4 of a mile down the road and walk up.. Funny how it was my husband and Heather's boyfriend complaining the entire walk about the crappy parking situation - not Heather or myself who had to then run 3.75 miles, or my 2 year old niece.. Once we got up to bib/packet pick up, we quickly obtained our bib and then our free tshirts and then had over an hour to kill before race time, so we hung out on the grass. 

Sean and I had a housewarming party to go to right after the race, so we ended up bringing Sully to the race with us to avoid keeping him home all day. This was the first race that he's ever been to and he loved it. He was getting attention from lots of people, and almost got to steal some food from Allie. 

Sully & I before the race
The cutest 2 year old girl that I know!

Allie, myself & Heather before the race

When it got closer to the start of the race, Heather and I headed over to the start line, which was a 5 or so minute walk. There were a ton of people! We started of running and made it between .25-.5 miles before we had to stop and take our first walking break, not bad at all for Heather never running before! Around the mile mark, we ran into Savannah who was detail for the race -- keeping us safe! She cheered us on, which kept us going for a little while longer. I remember Heather saying how she couldn't believe that it had been a mile already. Mile 1-2 was the worst, I was dripping in sweat and so overheated. The website said that the water station was going to be around mile 1.5, but it wasn't. (They changed the race this year from a 5k to a 6k and I think they forgot to update where the water station would be). As I had my GPS watch, and was practically dying, I was on the lookout for the water station at like mile 1.25. Once we got to mile 1.5 and it was no where in sight, I felt defeated. ha! 

We got to mile 2.. still no water station. However, there was a very kind lady who had her hose on and was letting us take turns using it. Since I wasn't trying to meet any specific time goals, just out there to have a good time, I decided to stop and wait in the line, which moved fairly quickly. I took a quick sip (which Sean soon chastised me for later when he found out -- could be ecoli in the water!) and then drenched myself in water before heading out again. A few minutes after we left this godsend's house, we rounded the corner and saw the water station!! There were kids out there flinging water, another guy with a hose and water.. I took 2 cups, which I seriously don't EVER do. I am normally nervous that they won't have enough for somebody behind me, so I only take one. But I figured that we were pretty close to the back of the back and they had a TON of water, so I indulged in 2 waters. I really should have taken my own water, but I hadn't realized just how hot it was going to be - maybe I should actually pay attention to the weather more. 

After the water station, we felt invigorated and ran for awhile. We ended up stopping for a bit and then ran the last half mile down to the finish.

She looks like she's been running her whole life!!
Horrible Finish Photo!!!

Heather did amazing!! She actually ended up finishing shortly before me.. And when you look at these pictures above - SHE looks like she's the one who's been running for 18 months, and I look like the one who had never run before! HA! This race was definitely tough for me with the heat. There were times when Heather was ready to get running and I was like.. ahh! I'm not ready yet! It was great running with her. I was happy that I could share something that I love with my sister. It meant so much to me. And she really loved it. I know that she's been out running a couple of times since the race and wants to do another one. So proud of her! 

Heather & I after the race
Allie & Sully waiting for us to finish

Allie & Sully waiting for us to finish

 I will definitely do this race again next year. Other than the really hot temps, I loved it. We ran on back roads through Hampton, through an apple orchard and on a covered bridge. It was one of the more scenic courses that I have done. I was really disappointed that we couldn't stay for the post race festivities. I have been so busy after these races lately that I haven't been able to stay. This was a race put on by a brewery - the name was even Will Run for Beer and I couldn't even have a beer!! I don't typically drink my post race drink - I usually donate to Sean to compensate him for waiting a super long time for me to run, but I wanted it this time. I was also excited because they were offering veggie burgers as one of the food options, which I've never seen at a race before, but didn't have time to eat either. Next year, I will definitely plan to not have plans after the race so that I can actually enjoy the festivities. 

In other news, I'm pretty sure that I'm giving up on being a vegan... sort of... Today is day 21 and I cannot tell you how many times I have cheated on the vegan part. It has been mostly unintentional, but there have been a few intentional cheats - like ordering pizza last night. I am proud to say that I have not cheated once on meat in the past 21 days. I really think that I tried to take on too much at once. I never realized how hard being vegan would be.. Eggs and traces of cheese are seriously in EVERYTHING! So, my plan for the remainder of the 60 days is to continue the no meat. I am going to try and stick to vegan as much as possible (and really try hard to avoid the intentional cheats). My goal is not obviously outright eat things, like an egg, but if something that I eat - like a veggie burger, has eggs in it, I'm not going to freak out about it. My diet is already limited enough for me right now. 

OH and I got a bike!! I'm so psyched!! (totally didn't mean to rhyme that btw). Anyways, I've been wanting to buy a bike for a long time. My desire for a bike only increased when I decided that I wanted to complete a triathlon. I had originally wanted to wait until I could go to a specialty bike store and buy a high quality bike. However, I quickly realized that wasn't going to be a possibility - with saving for a house, going to Disney with my family and the ridiculous amount of money I already spend on races and running stuff. Speaking of races - I sacrificed any races that I hadn't previously committed to in order to get the bike - we'll see if that is a decision I regret! I've been on two rides this week and I am loving it already! The first ride on Sunday was 6 miles, and yesterday's was about 3.5 miles. The route that I picked was pretty hilly. Definitely looking forward to working more on the hills and taking my bike new places.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy National Running Day!!

Exercise - 
Ran 3.1 miles

Today is National Running Day and I've been thinking a lot about what running means to me. I started running in January 2012. I had tried (and failed) the couch to 5k program a few times before this, usually making it no further than week 3. The last time I had tried it was probably in October of 2011. I had made a new years resolution that I really wanted to complete the program... I was trying to lose a bunch of weight and figured that this was going to be what would finally make me lose all of the weight. I started on January 3rd and could BARELY make it the 45 seconds without feeling like I was going to pass out/throw up/die (more like all of the above). I remember the day that I ran my first mile.. I'm not sure exactly what day it was because it wasn't the plan to run a mile that day. I believe that I was supposed to run 8 minutes or something like that - so it was probably week 3. I got to the 8 minute mark and I was like "I can do this, I think I can run a mile" and I kept going. I remember being so proud of myself that I called my mom to tell her that I ran my first mile. Now I know that this is not a big accomplishment, but to me it was. I had never run a mile before - not even in high school gym class. When others were running the mile, I always elected to walk around the track or the gym, because "I couldn't run - I'm too overweight and out of shape to run". HA! I was more overweight in January 2012 when I ran my first mile than when I was in high school doubting myself. 

I kept progressing in the training. When I got to the point where I could run 2 miles, then 3 miles, it was like it was the best thing ever - I've never been more proud. I had signed up for my first 5k with my friend Sarah. By the time I made it to 3 miles, I decided that it was probably time to start running outside. I naively thought that it could not be more difficult than what I was doing on the treadmill. WRONG! Had I known what I knew now, when I was training on the treadmill, I would have adjusted the incline to a 1 or a 2 in order to make the transition easier - but I hadn't known that, so basically the treadmill was doing most of the work for me. The first time that I ran outside, I found it hard to regulate my pace, I ran the fastest mile I had run up to that point, but then couldn't go any further. I eventually learned how to regulate my pace. My husband, boyfriend at the time, used to run cross country and he suggested that I stop running with music. He said that it could help me focus on my breathing. At this point, this was the most absurd thing I think that I had ever heard. But I decided to give it a try. It was definitely an adjustment for a few weeks (like it was running outside), but I have never looked back since. 

Sarah & I at the start of our first 5k!
 After that first 5k, I became very inconsistent with running - I think that I need to have a specific running goal in order to not lose momentum. I decided to sign up for the Ribfest 5 miler. Sarah signed up for it with me. 

At the start of the 5 miler

Sarah and I finishing the 5 miler!!

If I can do a 5 miler, then I can do a 10k, right?! A few short weeks after the Ribfest 5 miler, I ran my very first (and to date only) 10k. It was on the 4th of July and benefited Big Brothers Big Sisters. This race was tough for me because I am a very slow runner (more of like a jogger). Most of the time this is not an issue because there are typically ALWAYS walkers at the races; however, the walkers all did the 5k. But I was determined to not walk (as I hadn't in my two previous races) and not be last. I believe that there were only 2 MAYBE 3 people behind me - but I was NOT last and I did not walk - so I was happy. This was also the first race that I had done by myself. They had already started the awards ceremony by the time that I finished. 

I finished the 10k!
 This is the last race that I did this summer. I was supposed to do another one either in July or early August. However, I woke up that morning sick and I ended up canceling on Sarah. Sarah still ended up doing it and said it was super hot, hilly and NO water stations, so I'm glad that I stayed home that day. I had decided that I wanted to do a half marathon in the fall. There were a lot of people that called me crazy - but I really wanted to do one, and thought that I could. I mean, it's only double what I had just done in July and I still had a few months to train. I decided to join the Runner's Alley half marathon training group. Best.Decision.EVER! It kept me accountable because I paid money to join the group, and I had people that I needed to meet up with every week. It was also nice because it was structured to the point that we weren't increasing our distance much each week, but enough to the point where I knew that I'd be right on track. Up until the point of mine and Sean's wedding, I was right on track. Running exactly what I needed to run, not needed to stop for waking breaks. Unfortunately, I ended up missing close to 3 weeks of training with the wedding, the honeymoon, then I got an AWFUL sinus infection right when I got back. This was the point where I started struggling. 

In September, a couple of weeks when I was back from our honeymoon, I ran a 5k with  my friend Brittany - her first! This was a "road race" sponsored by our work. I use the quotation marks when referring to it as a road race because literally maybe .2 miles of it was on the road. The rest was on a trail and probably the last .75-1 mile was all up hill on a trail that was not packed down. At one point, I came pretty close to tripping over a root! I was definitely NOT prepared for this race. It was called a road race, and while I knew that it was on a trail, I hadn't realized it wouldn't be a packed down trail the whole way. I will definitely prepare more for next year! 

Coworkers after the race!

Brittany and I after the race

This race was the last one until my half marathon. After I had taken 3 weeks off from running (wedding, honeymoon, getting sick etc), it was definitely hard to keep progressing with my training. Everybody else in the group was moving forward, and I had regressed. I stuck with it and ended up walking/running the half. 

Before the Race

I finished!!

My Mom & Dad

My loving husband - who has only missed a couple races

My sister in law came out too!

And also my mother in law and brother in law!

in laws!

After the half marathon, I wasn't able to run for close to 4 months because I was healing from a stress fracture. During this four months, not only did I gain back a ton of weight - but I was really frustrated that I couldn't run. When I was able to finally start running again, it was a tough experience. I could barely run just over half a mile. I had signed up for a race in February - the snowflake shuffle - and I ended up having to walk a lot of it. I ended up running into my friend Jess, as well as a few people that did the half marathon training group.

Jess & I get some hot chocolate after the race!

Sarah and I had signed up for the 5k where it all started one year before. I was super bummed because last year we had said we wanted to do the half marathon this year, but I had to accept that it just wasn't possible. I couldn't believe that I forgot about all of the hills!! Especially the one RIGHT before you go into the finish. I also had to take a few walking breaks for this one. 

 At the end of April, I did a 5.6 mile charity run with Savannah. Obviously since I was walking through 5ks, I was not ready to run almost 6 miles. However, it was the charity that was set up for Officer Maloney who was a police chief that was shot, and killed, acting in the line of duty. The run was from Portsmouth NH police department to Greenland NH police department. I was happy to do a race with Savannah, because we kept saying that we "needed to do it" and then never did. I'm positive that she could have ran much faster than I am and done the whole thing with no walking breaks, but she stayed by my side the entire time and we finished together. She pushed her daughter Paige in the stroller. We actually got interviewed by the Union Leader and appeared in an article on the race - Savannah was quoted!

The following weekend, I ran my first ever Cinco De Mayo race. And so many people that I know were running it! The course was extremely hilly, so I had to walk. But they gave you a free margarita after - and beer, but I didn't drink that. I definitely had to walk on this one! The hills were insane. 

Kelly & I before the race

Mike (Brother in law) and I before the race - his FIRST 5k

Vicki, Suzanne & I before the race

Mom's Run This Town - Greater Manchester running group


At the end of May, I did my first ever back to back race weekend. I did the Color Vibe with my friend Kelly. I was supposed to meet up with a few other people there, but they were so busy I didn't end up seeing like anybody that I knew. On Sunday the 26th, I ran a 5k for Runner's Alley (the store that does the half marathon training group). It was a charity run. I ran that with my friends Sarah and Christina, as well as Christina's friend. 


Last week I did a 6k with my sister Heather (race recap to come, so I won't say too much about it!) But it was great having her to do it with me - and of course - some pictures! 

 Running has been so great to me. Over the past 18 months, I have grown so much as a person. Running has caused me to really put myself out there and meet some new (hopefully lifelong) friends and running partners. I was definitely nervous joining the HM training group on my own, and then joining the Mom's running group (especially since I'm an imposter - sort of!). I have had the opportunity to share my love of running with so many people that I care about. I have been reminded again just how blessed I am. I have a husband who puts up with my very expensive purchases for this running habit - even if he thinks that I don't necessarily NEED the running gear - and who has missed maybe two of my races since I started (for good reason). I have a family, including in-laws, and friends who have come out to support me at some of my races. And on top of all of this, I CAN RUN. I may not be the fastest (or even moderately paced), and I may be inconsistent and need to walk sometimes, but I am so blessed that I have the ability to run. Running has literally changed my life.

Happy National Running Day!! Looking forward to many more runs! 

Question - what is YOUR running story? And what does running mean to you?

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Vegan Diet Mishaps

Ran 3.79 miles with my sister

So.. I know that I promised this post almost a week ago, but I have been so busy, and in a funk because I was so busy, that I just didn't get to it. Anyways, I have been following a vegan for 12 days.. (12 down, 48 left to go!), and it has definitely been a challenge for me - I never realized how many things that eggs were in. 

The other night, Sean and I went out to dinner at Olive Garden. I was reading a few forums and I saw that my favorite meal - Ravioli Di Portobello was listed a few times as being Vegan. I didn't even look at it on the menu - which I should have.. because I would have seen this description - "Portobello mushroom-filled ravioli in a creamy smoked cheese and sun-dried tomato sauce" - and would not have ordered it. As soon as it showed up, Sean was like.. "Umm I'm pretty sure that has cheese in it". Yes, yes it does. epic.fail. I ended up eating it anyways, because 1) I wasn't going to send it back for my mistake and 2) I wasn't not going to eat it - it was a pricey meal, and to be honest I was starving as we were eating at almost 10 pm. So, I ate it. 

Then yesterday, I was at the grocery store picking up some veggie burgers to bring to Marissa and Justin's housewarming party. I had seen a new brand the other day in the tofu section that I wanted to try.. seemed less processed than the ones that I had been eating for the past 10 days. I picked up the ingredients list and noticed that there were eggs in it. I was disappointed, but decided to go and get more of the ones that I had eaten previously as they were decent. I almost didn't check the ingredients list, as I had done so when I bought them previously, but decided to read them again. That is when I noticed the dreaded E word.. Egg whites.. GAH!. So frustrating! Eggs really aren't the reason why I started this whole thing, it was mainly the dairy - cheese, butter, milk - that I wanted to avoid. However, where I committed to trying a vegan diet, I don't really want to be eating eggs. 

Another challenge for me has been eating outside of the house. Last Monday, Sean and I met up with some friends for dinner. We went to a local Mexican restaurant. There wasn't really anything that I could eat, so I ended up with a wimpy garden salad, and an order of Mexican rice. I had noticed that they had fruit churros on the menu and I was super excited to be able to order them for dessert (tho I'm sure they had eggs in there somewhere!!). Now, this restaurant is notorious for always being out of what I want to eat. It has seriously happened every time we eat there. About 10 minutes after I ordered the churros, the waitress came back and said they were out. (insert sad face). This was the first time since I had started following the diet that I felt left out and limited by my diet. 

I went to a baby shower yesterday. It was at Margaritas, and I had been nervous that there wouldn't be anything for me to eat there. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they had a taco bar. There was ground beef and shredded chicken, but there were also beans! I ended up making tacos with the beans, lettuce, tomato and salsa. I also had some mexican rice. It was pretty good!! I did have a moment (or two) of weakness, where I pretended that chocolate did not have milk in it.. epic.fail.part.deux! 

This afternoon I had the house warming party for Marissa and Justin. I brought some vegan sausage that I had bought (which was actually pretty good!). It was really hard to avoid all of the meats and cheeses, as well as the pasta & potato salads (mayo = eggs). But the hardest part today was definitely missing out on the desserts. There was a trifle, cupcakes, chocolate covered strawberries, an apple pie that looked amazing, TONS and TONS of cookies, and just a bunch of really good looking stuff). Dessert is definitely my weakness and I did eat a chocolate covered strawberry in another moment of weakness.. GAH! It seems like those moments of weakness are happening a lot this weekend. I am happy that I have avoided the meats and cheeses as that is the hardest thing for me and the main focus of the vegan diet. I definitely want to get back on track and stop with these little cheats.. Must find vegan chocolate and bring my own dessert to the next get together. Ha! 

Anyways, other than a few mishaps (and I'm sure some others that I'm not even aware of), the diet is going well. I'm down a little over 3 lbs and when I bought new shorts yesterday, I was down another size. Today was a really great day. I got to share my love of running with my sister - but I'm going to save that for another post. I'm exhausted from a really busy (but fun) weekend, and I'm pretty sure I'm a little sunburned and experiencing some heat exhaustion, so I'm thinking it's time to call it a night. But of course, I need to post some pictures from today! 

Heather, Allie and I at the start

Heather and I at the finish!