Walked 1.5 Miles
This weekend I had my first ever back to back 5Ks. Saturday was the Color Vibe. I was super excited for it because it was the first "fun" run that I've ever done. It was also the first race I'd ever run in the rain -- I've somehow managed to luck out. I actually enjoy running in the rain, it's the waiting around in the rain that I don't enjoy. I met up at Kelly's house at 8:30 and we were on track to be there for 9. The first wave started at 10 and they were planning to release waves every few minutes. We ended up getting stuck in traffic and getting there at almost 10. My mom met up with us when we got there and took some pictures.
We parked in one of the furthest lots, and it was probably a mile walk to the start. I hadn't planned ahead of time and brought an umbrella or really anything to keep dry. I guess I figured since I was going to be running in the rain that it wouldn't be that bad. I should have brought an umbrella! After we got there, we got in line for a porta potty then headed over to get into the speedway. The speedway required that everybody who entered signed a waiver, so it was a little bottle necked trying to get into the speedway. Once we got in, it was like a huge party. There were people everywhere throwing color packets, and the music was blaring. I was super pumped for the start.
I had originally decided that since this was a low pressure race (it's not even timed), and because I had another 5k the next day that I would run/walk it and not put pressure on myself to run the entire thing. Our wave took off at around 10:45. I was disappointed to see how small the color stations actually were. I guess I had a different picture in my head, but I hadn't realized that the "color stations" would be a few people throwing color at you. By the time we got to the later stations, they were out of color, or almost out of color. When we had gotten to pink, they told us that we needed to roll on the ground in order to get color. Kelly's daughter was super psyched to do this, but I was not.
The course was super hilly. At the end of the course, you had to run up this trail. It was muddy, but at that point, I didn't really care. I was disappointed to see that the course was not a full 5k. My GPS watch reported 2.94 miles. After the race, everybody was taking pictures, but I needed to head out because I had Savannah's daughter's first birthday party! I was super annoyed because it took us almost 2 and 1/2 hours to get out of the parking lot. We didn't even move for almost the first 45 minutes. Kelly, who left shortly after us, said that she didn't wait that long to get out, but she went out a different end. Also, those who had been there earlier, got closer parking and left earlier, so they also got out fairly easily.
At first, I was pretty disappointed with this race and said that I wouldn't do it again. However, I think that I was looking at it the wrong way. I should have considered this as more of an "all day event", instead of trying to rush through it and then head somewhere else. The traffic would have still annoyed me, but it wouldn't have been so bad had I not had somewhere to be immediately after the event, or if I had carpooled with others (I hadn't since I needed to be somewhere after the race.) After I've been thinking about it, I decided that I will do it again, but will certainly change my approach.
Yesterday was the Runner's Alley/Redhook 5k. Runner's Alley is the store that put on the half marathon training group that I did last fall. I absolutely love this store. I won't go anywhere else for my running needs, and am hoping to do the training group again this fall (dependent on my schedule). So, when I found out that they were sponsoring a 5k a few months ago, I immediately signed up. It certainly helped that it was also put on by Redhook Brewery (which I knew Sean would enjoy), and that it benefitted a charity.
I was nervous about back to back 5ks, which is why I decided to take it easy at the Color Vibe. I really wanted to be able to run the entire 5k yesterday. I haven't been able to run an entire race since I started back running again after the stress fracture. I met up with Sarah and we ran into my cousin, Maria (sad I didn't get a picture of us together!) We then ran into Christina, who we went to high school with, and her friend Jaime.
Shortly before the start, they led us in a warm up.
I really loved the course. It was on Pease Airforce Base and was a big loop. I am not a huge fan of courses that are out and back. The course was fairly flat. I was happy because it warmed up. When I had woken up it was in the high 30's, so I had decided to wear my running pants instead of my long shorts. Thankfully, it wasn't super hot so I managed. My GPS watch wasn't working for some reason, so I wasn't able to wear it. I ended up having to carry my phone because I didn't bring my armband, as I don't run with music. There was a water station around mile 1.5. I walked through the water station, as I typically do. For some reason I just haven't mastered the art of sipping and running. As soon as I left the water station, I immediately started running again. I was determined to finish without walking, which is exactly what I did! I definitely took it easy since I had just ran the day before and I was nervous about going too fast and having to stop to walk. My gun time said that I finished in 38:54.
My Nike running app said that I did 3.29 miles. Since this is a certified course, I know that is not accurate. I'm wondering if it was because of weaving around others. The course was fairly congested, especially at the start. However, I am pretty positive that I couldn't have added almost two tenths of a mile onto my distance just by weaving. I'm wondering if it had anything to do with the fact that I was carrying my phone and not wearing it on my arm (maybe it didn't stay in the same position?).
Once I turned the corner to go back into the brewery, I knew the finish line was there, so I started sprinting. Afterwards I had to walk for a few minutes, because I was so nauseous from sprinting.
After the race, we took some pictures.
Then we met up with Heather, Brandon and Allie who came to watch me finish! We ended up grabbing lunch at Redhook Brewery. I had a black bean burger with guacamole. It was pretty good!
I realized again this weekend just how blessed I am. I have a husband who comes to pretty much all of my races. My mom braved the rain on Saturday to come to the Color Vibe with me. And my sister, hopefully future brother in law, and niece came to see me on Sunday. It truly means so much to me to have all of this support. I'm also super excited because my sister Heather is going to do a 6k with me next weekend. I told her that I would do it with her, and we can run or walk it or whatever. I'm super super excited! Can't wait to report on that next weekend :)
I started a challenge today. A blogger that I follow posted about a run at least a mile a day from Memorial Day to Independence Day. This is 39 days of running. I have been trying to do on my own, and have fallen off track a few times. However, I'm hopeful that because this is an official challenge, that I will be able to do it. We shall see :)
Today was day 1. I met up with Tonya and did 1.5 miles of running. We ended up walking the last 1.5 miles back - I was pretty tight in my calves, so I wanted a slow, easy, short run.
Anyways, this is long enough and it's time to head to bed. Waking up early to run with Danielle and Deb tomorrow! We're meeting at 6 am. The Vegan diet is going well so far.. Tomorrow is Day 7. I'll have a post tomorrow about my first week.