Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Great Taco Debate

Ran 2.53 miles 31:28
Walked .5 miles (warm up/cool down)

I am beyond thrilled!! Today I met up with Danielle and Deb to run the trail and we did 2.53 miles of non stop running :) This is the most that I ran non-stop since the day of the Boston Bombings, when I ran 2.62 miles in memory of those who were at the Boston Marathon that day. Last night I set a goal to run 1.75 miles non stop (Tuesday we ran 1.5 and then stopped for a quick walking break). Well - we did it!! and then some!

When we got to the 1.25 mile running mark, we turned around. When we were close to the 1.75 mile mark, Danielle suggested that maybe we just keep running until we got to the hill right before the main road. When we were almost at the hill at the main road, I noticed that we were at 1.85 miles - so I suggested that we push it to 2 miles of running. When we were just about at 2 - Danielle noticed that she could see the cars down at the end of the road (the end of our trail) so she said - "why don't we try and make it all of the way". Well - we did it!! It felt amazing! Also - I'm not sure what it was - but I felt the best during the last half mile. Sully was pulling me ahead - so that may be it.. or maybe I was getting fueled by hitting goals. The last half mile was our fastest one! 

I'm meeting up with a few ladies from the Mom's Run This Town (MRTT) running group tomorrow morning. Super excited because we're running a trail that I haven't run since my half training group. I also have a 5k on Sunday for Cinco De Mayo. I'm really looking forward to this 5k for two reasons 1) I think that I can actually run the entire thing (though I have heard it is super hilly, and we all know hills are my nemesis) and 2) so many people that I know are doing this. I am running it with a woman from my work, but there are two more of my work friends that are running it, my brother in law is, my friend Jess is, and a bunch of ladies from MRTT are! Can't wait to run it with a bunch of people that I care about -- though I'm sure I won't be "with" them, I'm sure I'll be at the back of the pack - but that is okay! 

Anyways - onto my taco dilemma. So tonight, in celebration of Cinco De Mayo, 34 downtown Manchester restaurants are making their version of the taco. Each taco is $2. Our friend Jesse asked Sean and I to go with her. The downside to going is that I was planning on trying a spinning class tonight from 7-8 tonight (I had originally planned on going yesterday from 5:30-6:30 am.. but that didn't happen!). Taco night goes from 5-9 tonight, but I had figured that I should not load my belly with tacos before a spin class -- especially considering it would be my first time. I was excited though because spin class is downtown Manchester so I told Jesse that I would meet up with her and Sean after my spin class. Perfect plan, right? wrong. I noticed this morning that the spin class that I was taking is out of the Goffstown location. So, by the time I leave spin and head to Manchester, make my way through traffic, get parked and get to meet up with Sean and Jesse, it'd probably be 8:30. So anyways, now I need to make a decision -- and I'm torn. Here are my arguments for both sides. 

Skip Spinning and go to Taco Night: 
  • I want to go
  • Taco night is a once a year thing -- who knows if they will even have it next year?
  • Social aspect - Sean and I don't get to do that many things together AND I love hanging out with Jesse.. we always have such a good time. 
  • I did exercise this morning -- see above where I rocked a 2.53 mile run. I could also get a walk in with the dog before meeting up for Taco night. 
  • I can go to a 5:30 am spin class tomorrow morning
Skip Taco Night and go to Spinning: 
  • I want to go
  • I should go
  • I ate horribly yesterday -- like a whole big bag of Chex Mix and dinner from Friendlys.
  • While spinning is not a once in a year thing - in the next couple of weeks a few of the classes that I'm able to attend will be cancelled for the summer. (apparently people don't workout in the summer?)
  • I should not stuff my face with tacos, especially after a horrible night of eating.
  • I probably will not wake up for tomorrow morning's spin class -- especially considering I am also planning to run tomorrow. 

Here is my workout schedule for the rest of this week & next week. I'm hoping that if I post it, that I will stay committed to it. 

Friday: Spin class (maybe). Run with some fellow MRTTers
Saturday: Rest day. Walk with my niece and Sully
Sunday: 5k
Monday: Spin class. Gym for weights.
Tuesday: Run with Danielle and Deb
Wednesday: Early morning spin class. Run with Suzanne and Vicki (work friends). Gym for weights.
Thursday: Run with Danielle and Deb. Spin Class.
Friday: Run (not sure yet if group or solo run). Gym for weights. Possibly spin class.
Saturday: Spin Class. Yoga. - depending on how weekend plans work out.
Sunday: Rest - possible walk with dog.

Wow! that sounds like a lot when I type it up. But I really want to stick to it this week. I'm not super concerned about it because running to me isn't a chore. I'm hoping that I also love spinning so that I will feel good about doing that. My challenge is going to be with doing weights. I literally despise lifting weights. But it is important. The last time I met with my dietician, I had lost weight, but it was mostly muscle mass (which is common with runners). Thankfully she said I only need to do weights for my arms. Because I workout my legs so much when running, she said body weight exercises (squats and lunges) are sufficient workouts for my legs. I am going to be doing a month long squat challenge.. I'll post on here when I start it.

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