Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Take THAT Mind!

Did I seriously just run up Reservoir?! I totally did!! 

Tonight I had a group run. Our route tonight was 5.4 miles and incorporated a small part of the half marathon course. Tonight's run was tough physically. My calves were really tight, and my shins were hurting, which  made it tough - Apparently I need more potassium. Anyways, I was really tempted to just stop and walk, turn back or whatever. I kept thinking that it was like a couple of weeks ago, when I ran a couple days after hiking. But every time I actually considered stopping, I knew that it wasn't really pain pain, just tightness and some soreness.. so I pushed through. 

I really wanted to run up Reservoir rd tonight. I cannot tell you how many times Reservoir has been part of my route, and I have not once ran up it. It is a pretty long hill, but not terribly steep. It never fails, every time I turn the corner and start to go up the hill, I ALWAYS end up walking it. Tonight, was different. I was determined to make it up to the top of the hill and I did :) The funny thing is, that after I turned off reservoir, I realized that hill is not actually all that bad. I'm pretty positive I could have run it before. I think I had it in my head that I could not do it, and convinced myself of that each time I knew that I had to run that road as part of the route. After Reservoir, it was pretty flat on Mammoth and Hanover. I seriously LOVE running down Hanover. It's the half marathon course finish and it is  mostly down hill and just the perfect end to a race and any route really.

My pace has definitely not been the greatest, but I feel like I really have turned a corner with my running. I'm starting to believe that I can make it through the hard times - hills and all. I'm very proud that I have been really good lately about running until I'm done, and not when it gets "hard". I also think that I'm getting better about knowing when I'm in pain versus when I'm just tired or sore. After not being able to run for a few months last year with the stress fracture, I became very conservative with running - stopping every time I felt the hint of discomfort. I definitely have my little buddy Hayden to thank for the perspective, and all of my running friends - especially the ones that helped me conquer Harrison hill! ha!

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